Economic Research Assistant

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Kansas City, Missouri


Short Bio

I am a researcher with an interest in housing markets and labor mobility. Most recently, I was an Economic Research Assistant at the FDIC in Kansas City, where I helped assess macroeconomic and financial risk in the region. Before moving to Kansas City, I attained my M.A. in Economics from Washington University in St. Louis. Here, I was a Research Assistant for Professor John Barrios. During my time working with him I examined the dynamics of intra-firm political contributions and road safety of self-driving vehicles. My studies focused on urban economics and econometrics. I also worked for U.S. News & World Report's Autos Team, where I tracked trends in the motor industry and wrote articles to better inform consumers. I currently live in Kansas City, Missouri, where I enjoy biking, listening to music, and playing board games. I grew up in Arlington, Virginia.